Wednesday, September 30, 2015

ETSY {Neckhuugs}

I am trilled to announce that my Etsy shop is open!!!
Custom made necklaces!!
Check it out!!

Etsy shop name: Neckhuugs


Monday, September 28, 2015


Have you been missing breakfast due to lack of time or even laziness? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it boosts your metabolism and gives you energy to get going. Yesterday I was joking with some friends about not having enough time to eat and do my hair. The battle is always do I finish getting ready or get some breakfast? As funny as that may be it is all too true. Well I have found a beautiful solution! It is fast and healthy. Introducing The Sludge (as it is so lovingly refereed to in my house). This mean green drink is as fast as ever for a quick and healthy breakfast! Here is what you will need. 

1 tbs Protein Powder
1 tbs Raw coconut flakes
1 tbs Ground flax seed
1 Scoop of  Powdered Green Superfood
Fill remainder of glass with water and mix.

-You can buy all these ingredients at your local health food store.

If you are even too rushed to do this I sometimes like to put it in a cup the night before without the water and leave it out on the counter. In the morning I just add the water and drink it down before I am off. It has been helping a lot with my tummy problems as well.


Love Always,

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

{FALL}ing for you

Plum nails! It's officially fall!

Station 22 fall favorites!
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Andy Warhol for the win!! I love chalk art!

  It is that beautiful time of year when the leaves change, pumpkins comes out, and there is magic in the air. I love FALL!!! Don't you?? I wanted to share some of my favorite fall activities. First off I have to say that plum is the best fall color in my opinion. I went and got a manicure for fall down in Provo. It is the funnest little place off of University Parkway in the strip mall next to the dollar theaters. They have way good deals and colors (especially plum)! If you are looking for some yummy fall foods, I recommend Station 22. They have such scrumptious salads and their sweet potato wedges are to die for! They are located in downtown Provo. (I obviously love Provo). If you have never had the chance to go to Chalk The Block, then you ought to. It is held in Riverwoods every year. If you like a crowd go on Friday or Saturday. If you like smaller groups, then Sunday is your day. It is so much fun and the talent is amazing!! Put it on your calendar for next year. My favorite was this chalk art copy of Andy Warhol. Stay tuned for more fall favs!! 

Love Always,

Monday, September 21, 2015

Immune Boosting

My Favorite Probiotics
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Ivie Juice Cleanse
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 Since I have returned home from my mission 10 moths ago I have been sick constantly. My immune system seems to be really weak. After being sick this last week I was fed up and decided to really do something about it. My Mom, being the lovely woman she is suggested that I work on strengthening my immune system. So I did. The quest began with a Facebook post requesting help of any ideas to strengthening immune systems. I was surprised and grateful for all the responses and help I have received. I want to share what I have found to be helping boost my immune system.

 I have to say that above all the first thing I did was pray to ask My Father in Heaven for help. Who better to ask then Him who is all knowing and created our beautiful bodies. I then continued to ask my daddy for a priesthood blessing. I strongly believe that first asking the Lord for help blesses us in the endeavor to find answers. I have seen that again and again in my own life. Then we must do all within our own power to find what works best for oneself.

 One of the big things I have done is cut sugar out of my life. I know it sounds crazy. It is a bit. I have notice how sugar and eating in general is such a big part of being social. Most things we do involve food. Even after sports or other activities we usually go out or have some kind of refreshment provided. At least such is the case in my own life. Because of this social norm it does make not eating sugar more of a challenge. But if you are serious about improving your health then I suggest doing such a thing. I do not eat any processed sugar. Only natural such as in fruits. This has helped my body to heal quickly when I get sick but I also feel better overall. Do your best and don't feel bad if you splurge every now and again.

 Another thing I have done to help my heath is probiotics and juice cleanses. Probiotics and jice cleanses help clean out your guts and provided lots of healthy vitamins through the fruit and veggie juices. Healthy guts means health self! Ivie Juice Bar is located in Provo and offers a Juice cleansing program that I love! I recommend trying it out if you are new at juicing. Also you can do it at home. I found lots of great home recipes on Pinterest. Follow my board to find them!

 Vitamin C!! Vitamin C is your best friend in boosting the immune system! Be aware to take the proper amount. The best intake is through fresh fruits and veggies. However I do take a vitamin C supplement three times a day to help.

Tune in again for more posts on immune boosting.

Comment below if you have question or ideas!

Love Always,