Monday, April 13, 2015

Nice to meet you darlings

My sister Kenna and I
(You will hear a lot about her)
Yours Truly
My amazing Family!!!!

Since I have returned home from serving an LDS service mission in Santiago, Chile I have desired to share the things I am learning to help others and especially share my quest for finding and sharing all that is good. To start off I would like to introduce myself. My name is Megan but you can call me Meg. I am 21 years old which I find to be such a fun number! I am a sucker for dark chocolate and all fruit. I love yoga. I love going on adventures and traveling but more than anything I love spending time with my family. I love the sunshine. I am currently studying humanities which is the study of human culture and what makes humans happy. I love it so much! I am a lover of the arts and also nature. I am a Member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I know God exists. Everything testifies of Him. I know that His Son Jesus Christ truly died and suffered for our sins that we may be able to be forgiven and have a perfect hope in Him. We have such bright futures and there is good all around if we but train our eyes to recognize it. I am here to do so and will share my findings.

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